Monday 31 August 2020



"Live a life worth living for" and do so by being grateful for every "Hilltop" and every "Valley". 

1 Timothy 4:4-5 [AMP]

"For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified [set apart, dedicated to God] by means of the word of God and prayer."

Our lives are filled with many experiences and circumstances and the way we see these are so important, life changing I could argue. Moving from Western Australia to New South Wales (East Coast of Australia) someone asked me how I found the place, work etc. and my response was one of God-inspired wisdom. I said: "What I have learned by moving here, is that the grass is not greener on the other side, but where you water it." I'm sure it's a quote used from somewhere...but yet so very true. Looking back to our time in WA, it was such a blessing to live and work there, but did not seem so wonderful at the time.

In every circumstance, there will be something to be grateful for, even if it's just the fact that the circumstance is exposing a weakness, or strength in your character. 

I can tell you this out of my own experience and hardheadedness: God will continue to allow certain trials in your life, until you learn the lesson and complete the change required in your character! There is no circumstance or experience that does not have these two "attributes" available. So the key in gratitude is understanding this and the moment you get "it", the door to contentment opens. Contentment here should not be confused for lack of vision or desire to improve your circumstance/s, but to be comfortable, to experience inner peace and joy no matter the circumstance you find yourself in.

James 1: 2-4 [AMP]

"2.Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. 3.Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. 4.And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing."


There has been a lot of ups and downs since I confessed to my wife about my unfaithfulness, yet I have so much to be grateful for and have changed in character:

      • I am learning to trust God fully,
      • I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit more frequently,
      • I feel gratitude towards God when faced with trials and challenges,
      • I am grateful for the, nearly 3 hour commute, to and from work (this is time I spent in the presence of God, praising, worshiping and reflecting) 
      • I am grateful for time with my wife and our children,
      • I am grateful to be a steward of God's resources,
      • I am grateful for friends and the "Body of Christ",
      • I am grateful for this platform to share, albeit a fraction, of the goodness and glory of God through Jesus Christ and my own experiences (and my many flaws),
      • I am grateful for the man I am becoming,
      • I am grateful that I was a "Prodigal son" and that God welcomed me back with open arms!


"And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

When you change the way you see your circumstances by "renewing your mind" you will learn to know what the will of God is for your life and when you do this, you will prosper as said in:

"For I know the plans and thoughts I have for you; says the Lord, 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

Marius Döhne has given me this advice: 
"Write down all the deepest expectations of your heart, because it's very clear that God want to prosper you and give you all the things you hope for (and need), now and in the future. For you to receive all those things, you need to guard your heart, control your emotions and avoid any negative feelings and thoughts. You need to be JOYFUL all day, PRAY as much as you remember and GIVE THANKS to the Lord (all day long!) for everything He has done and more so for the things He is going to do for you.

You are purposefully made to worship God, spread the Gospel, give your Testimony, to prosper here on earth (will look different to everyone else), to love/bless/help your neighbor and to, more than just overcome struggles, but to exceedingly prosper even more so after."

To be grateful for every circumstance and to give thanks to God is how you "renew your mind" and ultimately change your future.

1 Corinthians 8:3 [AMP]

But if anyone loves God [with awe-filled reverence, obedience and gratitude], he is known by Him [as His very own and greatly loved].


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your perfect will for us be done, on earth, as it has been predestined in heaven. We are not a mistake, we are wonderfully and fearfully made in Your image and likeness. You have given us all authority to rule over the earth. We thank You for every experience and circumstance that You've allowed and we're sorry for the ones that we brought on ourselves by not being in the very center of Your will for our lives. Forgive us our sins, transgressions and iniquities, as we forgive those who sin against us. Please Lord, give us the things we need and the desires of our heart, where it will be for Your glory. We submit to You o Lord, we ask for strength to resist the devil so that he will flee from us. Let us not face any temptation of the world without The Holy Spirit guiding us, deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, the Glory and the Power. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Friday 7 August 2020

What Miracles???


I'll be the first one to admit that I have asked God why He isn't doing the same miracles today, as He did in the Bible...I mean, part the red sea again or literally move a mountain or raise people from the dead like Lazarus and the list can go on and on. We live in a time where miracles are needed more than ever. The Israelites needed a constant reminder who God was and what He was capable of and God did it. So where are they now, these miracles? 


I've been praying to God, asking Him to show me what I should write about next and I received "miracles". The moment I heard it, I was like what miracles, before I was reminded of some of my own not so long ago which I would like to share with you. Before I do that though, I want to remind you that miracles happen every day and you can do yourself a favor and Google: "Recent miracles in the news" and you will find 22,500,000 results. The fact is that we have accepted so many extraordinary things as part of our every day, that we don't even see the miracles anymore. We are, in effect, even worse than the Israelites when we think about know I'm right.


Sitting at work one day, browsing through Facebook (as you do, haha) I stumbled onto a mailbox I didn't even know existed, simply called other at that stage and had a sneaky beak (had a look inside) and found an email from a recruiter in Australia about some positions that were available, asking if I was interested. This was particularly strange, because I was indeed very unhappy at work and actively looking for other opportunities, but had no response from any of the jobs I applied for. The closing date was also like a week or two away, not leaving me heaps of time.

I spoke to the wife and applied for the position, not thinking I would even get an interview. It was in my exact field of work, but I did not meet all the requirements and one in particular about years of experience. A long time passed before I got feedback that they wanted me to come for an interview in Sandton. Two of the hiring managers were going to fly from Australia to Johannesburg to come and conduct the interviews in person. I was so ecstatic, but super nervous about the whole thing, because it would be truly life changing.

The day of the interview came and I was nervous, but felt that if it was going to happen, it would. Stepping into the foyer of the hotel, I saw some familiar faces in my industry, some with many years of experience, even some very clever people I went to university with. I started sweating a bit at this point. The interview was more of a general chat with very little technical questions. When I was finished, I had no idea how it went, because there was no real right or wrong answers to their questions and no way for me to gauge my response, nor theirs really. "Ahh well, you need to be in it to win it." I told myself and that was that...for now.

Two months passed without so much as a whisper. I then got a follow up interview request via telephone. This interview did not go well, as I just struggled with the technical stuff. I did however give the wrong answers with a lot of confidence, thinking about it. Naturally afterwards, thinking about my responses, I felt that I had little chance, but that anything was still possible. 

A month or so went past when I received an email requesting me to go for a medical, whoohoo right? Wrong. You see, while at university, I had a period where I took antidepressants and this one form was asking about mental health and seeing that I was not going to lie, I put all the information on the form. I had to complete more forms relating to this period of my life and again I wondered about my chances.


While waiting to hear more from the Australian company, my wife fell pregnant with our fist child. This was great news, because we had tried for a bit over a year to conceive without success. I went for sperm tests and we changed our diets and tracked her menstrual cycles and it finally happened for us. I did however need to let the Australian company know that my wife was now pregnant and that it would obviously change things. They were happy for us and left it at that.

At 6 weeks, while visiting my home town, my wife woke up on the Sunday morning bleeding. We got in the car and drove to the emergency room. The doctor advised that it was a threatening miscarriage and that she had to go to be admitted to hospital. She had a blood test on arrival, which indicated a low HCG count. The obstetrician immediately put her on Progresterone and advised that there was certain hormone numbers that, in theory, had to double roughly every 24-48 hours. After 3 days in hospital and a blood test each day, the doctor had enough information to give advice. I remember how we prayed that God himself would intervene and begged Him for a miracle. My wife was discharged and we were sitting in the doctor's office when he explained the theory around the hormone numbers. He proceeded to tell us that we had in essence lost the child and that we should discuss ways of getting the child out. The good news apparently was that at least my wife could get pregnant.

As we sat there, very sad, shocked and disappointed, I felt this intense internal pressure (Holy Spirit) to ask for a final sonar, as there was no heartbeat present when my wife was admitted to hospital. Lo and behold, there it was, little peanut had a heartbeat. The obstetrician couldn't hide his own disbelief and said: "Here is proof that miracles do happen." and I fully agree.


Back to miracle 1: I remember feeling quite positive for the new job prospect in Australia, even after everything that happened and my likelihood to succeed, but asked God for a sign that we were meant to go. Moving counties is a big thing and especially for us, as we had never been to Australia, nor did we have the means to go and check it out first.

There was a men's Christian camp in the town we lived, one I went to with friends the year before and I decided that I would go again. When I got there the Friday evening, I first inquired about the ticket price, which included accommodation and food, as I was not going to make use of these merely because my home was that close and the fact that I was alone. Some guy heard me, tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a ticket, not my intention, but how good was that.

I get to the welcome table and there sits a guy, administering the welcoming of each camper with a heap of Bible verses in front of him. He grabs one, asks my name to write it on it, put it in a plastic sheaf, give me a welcome pack and show me where to go to the marque tent where the sermons would take place. I get down there and have a look at my name tag and find this verse:

" By faith Abraham, when he was called [by God], obeyed by going to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went, not knowing where he was going."  

I took a photo, sent it to my wife and said that God has answered my prayer and if I were to receive a contract from Australia, I was going to accept it and we would then move there to which she agreed. Two weeks later, I received a contract, I browsed through it and accepted it. The company covered all the cost for the move, which we would not have been able to do by ourselves.


I would suggest writing down some of your own miracles. I'm sure that at some point, something really strange or amazing have happened to you which you could not explain, hold on to those, just a reminder that miracles happen and that you can confidently hope in miracles for your future. 

"Remember [with gratitude] His marvelous deeds which He has done, His miracles and the judgments from His mouth."

"God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise - He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."


Father, you are the most high Jehovah God and I thank you today for being our Rock, being just, faithful and true to Your word. Father, I thank you that You pour out Your blessings over my life in such abundance and so frequently, to the point that it has almost become part of every day life. I ask for forgiveness of not giving You all the credit for every good thing and resource in my life and being blind to all the blessing I receive to which I'm so undeserving. Thank you Father for being the God of Romans 5:5 "Such hope [in Your promises] never disappoints us, because [Your] love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." You are exalted and praised Elohim and I pray that Your Name will be exalted and that Your Glory may come. I pray this in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.   

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