Friday 16 October 2020

Rooted in Christ

Like most people, I want to live a life free from pain and suffering, just an easygoing, cruzy life with nice little waves, nothing too big and I certainly don't want to be knocked over by one. Yet, life does does not work like that, not in the least.


If you've been alive for anything more than 10 years, you would know that situations and life in general, can get tough and that it's not as easygoing as one would hope. 


When faced with challenges, you only have two options: 1. Face the challenge and do your best to get out the other side, or 2. Don't try, quit, give up!

So challenges/trials, tests and builds ones character!

I have realized this before, but the challenges, that seemed tough at the time, weren't really that tough after all and the moment I hit a whopper, I too feel the urge to run and hide. So does people who loses a family member to death, a person losing their job, divorce or diagnosed with a serious illness. This happens thousands of times a day throughout the world and everyone will experience some of the latter at least once in their lives.

Blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] is the man who is steadfast under trial and perseveres when tempted; for when he has passed the test and have been approved, he will receive the [victor's] crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."

(Consider the following analogy)

Imagine a tree planted in a field of good soil. When there is less rain over time and its environment changes, the tree's roots will inevitably need to grow deeper to reach water, or else it would die. Now continue the cycle of less and less water over time, forcing the tree's roots to grow deeper. On a day a tremendous and violent storm blows yet, the tree only sheds its dead leaves and branches as it remains firmly planted and unmoved.

Now think of yourself as the tree, planted in Jesus Christ and the lack of rain and changing environment as life's trials with the storm a significant life event. Now consider the truth: if the tree was not planted in good soil and was not forced to grow deep roots, would the tree be left standing after the storm?

You see, our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the soil, but He is also the Weatherman and He know's what is coming, as He has already seen your future. Some things have been set in stone and will happen regardless of what you may or may not do, other things or I should rather say, for most things, you have free will and it's YOUR choices and mindset/attitude that influence the outcome. You may influence, but not always determine the outcome - remember that.

"6.Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in [union with] Him [reflecting His character in the things you do and say - living lives that lead others away from sin], 7.having been deeply rooted [in Him] and now being continually built up in Him and [becoming increasingly more] established in your faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing in it with gratitude."

This process of growth is called FAITH

"Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality-faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].


How great are You Lord God, the ultimate Weatherman, preparing us for the challenges of life, making sure that we are deeply rooted and capable to withstand the storm, whatever they may be. Thank you Abba Father. Father, so many times we do not see the end, we do not see the benefit of the trials and more often, our faith buckles when under pressure, hear us when we say: "Lord, I believe, help me with my unbelief." Please give us the strength to grow deep roots and to be firmly planted in Jesus Christ and Your infallible Word. Thank you for being our faithful Father until the end of days. We praise and worship You and ask these things in Your Name, Yeshua Hamashiach. Amen

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