Monday 27 April 2020


The burden of guilt can be very heavy, often times debilitating and the enemy "satan" will do everything in his power to constantly remind you of your wrongdoings. It is a very simple tactic really: the worse you feel about the things you have done, the less likely you are to praise God. Now it is very important to know that there is a way to become free from that burden, John says this in 1 John 5:16 "If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]."

There is a caveat though: if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior by Him dying on the cross for your sins and that you believe that He was raised up from the dead on the third day and ascended into Heaven to sit on the right hand of the Almighty God, you can confess and repent of all the things you have done wrong and you will be forgiven. To continue to be forgiven, you must also do as it is written: Matthew 6:14-15 "14. For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15. "But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.
Also in Matthew 18:21-22 "21. Then Peter came to Him [Jesus] and asked, "Lord, how many times will my brother sin against me and I forgive him and let it go? Up to seven times?" 22. Jesus answered him, "I say to you, not up to seven times, but seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is so important for peace, for the transgressor but mostly for you who forgive. What forgiveness also allow, is for the healing process to start. Please note, forgiveness is not saying that what was done is right, it does not deny the fact that you have been hurt and that you are accepting the injustice, nor does it establish a relationship. To be quite fair, forgiveness is probably the most difficult thing that God is asking from us and can be best described in this article: The most difficult thing God is asking you to do - Forgive

To the one whose trust I have broken, the one who is wondering how does one pick up all the broken pieces when the hurt is so severe, so beautiful wife, to say sorry for what I have done seems so insignificant. I am here to ask for your forgiveness and for you to free yourself from the grips of the evil one. The guilt of what I have done nearly destroyed me and our family and I had to confess and repent to God and to you. I used my own personal pain and experience from my past as well as my own "wickedness" to fall trap to temptation.

I'm not just here to beg for your forgiveness, but to say this: I can't change the past, nor can I wipe away the unimaginable pain that I have caused, but I can promise you that I am a changed man. I have realized that I was looking to you to fill a void in my heart that no one can fill except God himself. I was dependent on you for my own happiness and was constantly looking to validate my own self-worth from you. I promise to love you, as near as humanly possible, as God loves us and demands in Ephesians 5:25. I also, for the first time in my life, understand what love really is and that it is not self serving, the type of love Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 13 (that was recited at our wedding day) I promise to really hear you and to really see you, to give you space when you need it, to allow you to be vulnerable, to be strong for you when you can't, to make you feel safe, to help you conquer mountains should you need it, to make you feel truly adored, cherished and most of all, to feel that you are loved unconditionally. I further promise to set God as the head of our household, to read the infallible Word of God together, to pray together and to take communion together as a family. I will not do this in my own strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us and by the never ending grace of God Elohim.

I do not expect anything other at this point in time than a commitment to the marriage and to rebuilding the "broken walls". Things will never be the same again, they will be better. Our relationship flame will burn high and bright and I believe that we will use our experience to minister to other couples that may go through a similar thing. I believe that we will have the marriage that God hopes for so that when people look at us and our family, that they can see and experience God's grace and His favor. I now speak life into our marriage and our relationship and the blessings of Jehovah-Jireh and seal it by the precious Blood of the Lamb. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Abba Father, who are in Heaven, praise and glory be to Your Name. Thank you for being my rock and shining the light on my sin. I have given the devil all the evidence he needs to forms a case against me. I come to you as an accused and ask that You would forgive my sins and wash me clean as Jesus has already died for my sins. The devil now has no unsettled claim against me and I ask that you annul his claim. I ask that I will forgive as You have forgiven me. I also ask that those whom I have sinned against, will have a soft heart and will forgive me also for what I have done. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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